
Inspiration from the sacred inner space of Yoga

Music in Yoga Classes

Today I attended a yoga class, as the recipient. I've not been to many yoga classes in the past 17 years (or so), and few, if any, Hatha yoga classes. The teacher is a dear friend of mine, who is very dedicated to sharing yoga and being a life-giving influence in the...

Transcending the gross manifestions of Mind

Today on the Yoga Instructors & Practitioners group on LinkedIn the following question was asked (abbreviated by me): How does one "turn off" the Teacher's Mind? I've been teaching a little over a year now and I find it difficult to change hats and immerse myself...


The importance of grounding can not be over-emphasised. In the past few decades I've noted how many people (including myself in my mid to late teens) are looking for ungrounded experiences such as those common to drug and alcohol use, and endeavours such as astral...

The Yoga Circus – Closing Commentary

The discussion I participated in on LinkedIn about the American "Yoga circus" continued for many days. Part 1 of my contribution to this discussion is posted in this blog [intlink id="156" type="post"]here[/intlink]. Part 2 is posted [intlink id="172"...

The Yoga Circus – Part Two

Last week, and earlier, I participated in a discussion which started with this statement: 90 percent of yoga is just a way to make some extra cash. I don’t expect much sympathy for this post, but really if anyone studied yoga of the past compared to yoga of today it...

The Yoga Circus?

I've been having a lively discussion on LinkedIn about the use or "misuse" of the word "Yoga" in the American yoga scene. I am posting here my comments in that discussion as they may prove useful or at least entertaining for you as you read this blog. You can read the...

The Yoga Mat

In this article I will explore with you the modern yoga mat, and whether or not it might be an aid or a hindrance to the practice of Hatha yoga. This information is based purely on my own direct experience, so I have no idea whether or not the yoga community at large...

Yoga Levels?

A discussion came up on a LinkedIn group for Yoga Teachers and Instructors. The question was: How do you deal with having a mixed group of people in one class? Having a pre-natel, beginner, intermediate and an older person maybe in the same class….. The gist of the...

Form and Space

For the majority of people a yoga practice typically starts out with a focus on form. Body alignment, postures, positions, breathing patterns, tension, and so forth. At some point, if yoga is being practice correctly, the practitioner's fixation on the form will give...

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